Emacs-style PicoLisp Editing


(from the tutorial)

You can switch the command line editor to an 'emacs' style, if you call the function (em) (i.e. without arguments). A single call is enough. Alternatively, you could invoke PicoLisp at least once with the -em command line option

$ pil -em +

The style will be remembered in a file "~/.pil/editor", and used in all subsequent PicoLisp sessions.

To switch back to 'vi' style, call (vi), use the -vi command line option, or simply remove "~/.pil/editor".

Documentation for (em)

(from the reference)

(em 'sym) -> sym
(em 'sym 'cls) -> sym
(em '(sym . cls)) -> sym
(em) -> NIL

    (Debug mode only) Opens the "emacs" editor on the function or
    method definition of sym. A call to ld thereafter will load the
    modified file. A call without arguments permanently switches the
    REPL line editor and the edit function to "emacs" mode. See also
    doc, edit, vi, *Dbg, debug and pp.

    : (em 'url> '+CuSu)  # Edit the method's source code, then exit from 'emacs'
    -> T

Reference (Cheat Sheet)

Starting PicoLisp with Emacs-style line-editing

| action        | comment                           |
| $ ./pil -em + | 'pil +' with "-em" shell argument |
| $ ./pil +     | or simply 'pil +'                 |
| : (em)        | and then '(em)' in the REPL       |

Files and Directories

| action                                | keys        |
| show pwd                              | C-M-d       |
| change directory                      | C-c C-d     |
| make directory                        | C-c +       |
| list directory files                  | C-x C-d     |
| list directory files (with dot-files) | C-u C-x C-d |
| dired-like file list                  | C-x d       |
| dired-like file list (with dot-files) | C-u C-x d   |
| find file (emacsclient)               | C-x C-f     |
| find file (zile)                      | C-x f       |
| line number(s) of file(s)             | C-x l       |


| action                | keys      |
| debug                 | C-h d     |
| unbug                 | C-u C-h d |
| file info             | C-h i     |
| symbol doc            | C-h f     |
| show symbol           | C-h s     |
| pretty print (pp)     | C-h p p   |
| pretty print (pretty) | C-h p r   |
|                       |           |


| action        | keys         |
| abort command | C-g          |
| undo          | C-x u or C-_ |
| quit          | C-q          |

(Incremental) Search

| action           | keys |
| goto (find) char | M-g  |


| entitiy to move over | backward | forward |
| character            | C-b      | C-f     |
| word                 | M-b      | M-f     |
| line up/down         | C-p      | C-n     |
| line beg/end         | C-a      | C-e     |
| sexp                 | C-M-b    | C-M-f   |

The arrow keys can be used for navigation too.

Killing and Deleting

| entitiy          | backward    | forward |
| character        | BACKSPACE   | C-d     |
| word             | M-BACKSPACE | M-d     |
| line (to end of) |             | C-k     |

| action            | keys  |
| kill sexp         | C-M-k |
| yank              | C-y   |
| content kill-ring | C-h r |

Case Change

| action           | keys       |
| toggle char case | M-c or M-l |

The Command Line

| action                       | keys  |
| complete word                | TAB   |
| execute                      | RET   |
| history search pattern input | C-M-s |
| history search forward       | M-s   |
| history search backward      | M-r   |


| action       | keys |
| find tag     | M-.  |
| pop tag-mark | M-*  |

works in Emacs after using (em 'fun) for editing PicoLisp sources


| action                      | keys         |
| call shell-command          | C-c C-c      |
|                             | (or C-c C-!) |
| clear screen                | C-l          |
| terminate process           | C-q          |
| interrupt program execution | C-r          |


29nov12    tj
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