The purpose of this example is to show how to create a simple entity, query, and update it.

# usage
# (task-add "call home")       ## add a task with default priority
# (task-add "get breakfast" 1) ## add a task with high priority
# (task-all)                   ## show tasks
# (task-done 1)                ## show tasks
# (task-all-open)              ## show open/closed tasks
# (task-due 1 "2016-08-24")    ## sets task due date
# (task-all-due "2016-01-01" "2017-01-01") ## searches for tasks due in range

(setq *DateSep "-")            ## separate dates with - (e.g. 2016-08-24)

(class +Task +Entity)         # starts the entity definition
(rel nr (+Need +Key +Number)) # defines a key, needed collect/query
(rel nm (+String))            # task name
                              # NOTE: +Ref must be specified before +Number
(rel pri (+Ref +Number))      # task priority, with index to support (collect 'pri '+Task 1)
(rel due (+Ref +Date))        # task due date
(rel status (+Ref +String))   # task status

(pool "tasks.db")             # initial database (consider block size)

# adds a task. Uses default priority of 1000 if not specified
# usage (task-add "call home")
(de task-add (Task Priority Due)
    (new! '(+Task)
          'nr (genKey 'nr '+Task)
          'nm Task
          'pri (or Priority 1000)
          'due Due
          'status "NEW"))

# fetches properties of a task from an external symbol
# usage (task-show '{4})
(de task-show (This)
    (list 'nr (: nr)
          'nm (: nm)
          'pri (: pri)
          'due (: due)
          'status (: status)))

# returns a list of all tasks
# usage (task-all)
(de task-all ()
    (mapcar task-show (collect 'nr '+Task)))

# sets a task to be done
# usage (task-done 1)
(de task-done (Nr)
    (put!> (db 'nr '+Task Nr) 'status "DONE"))

# finds open tasks
(de task-all-open ()
    (mapcar task-show (collect 'status '+Task "OPEN")))

# finds done tasks
(de task-all-done ()
    (mapcar task-show (collect 'status '+Task "DONE")))

# sets a task due date
# usage (task-due 1 "2016-08-24")
(de task-due (Nr Due)
    (put!> (db 'nr '+Task Nr) 'due ($dat Due *DateSep)))

# finds task by due date
# usage (task-all-due "2016-08-16") or (task-all-due "2016-01-01" "2017-01-01")
(de task-all-due (Start End)
    (mapcar task-show
            (collect 'due '+Task
                     ($dat Start *DateSep)
                     ($dat (or End Start) *DateSep))))

24aug16    joebo
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