Picolisp Wiki Quickstart

Table of contents

  1. How to contribute?
  2. Markup summary
  3. Markup description
  4. Picolisp Wiki mode for Emacs

How to contribute?

How to contribute to the PicoLisp Wiki? First, you need an account. Click on the Log in link, then press the Create account button on the next page and fill out the form.

Once you are logged in with you new account, go to the wiki section where you want to add something, e.g. the Articles & Essays page. Click on the edit link on top of the page.

Add a new internal link to the page that points to your (still non-existing) new article:

={myarticle This is a short description of my article}

Add a Summary for your change, have a look at the Preview, and when the new link looks fine, save the page.

Refresh the edited page and click on the new link. You will be offered to create the new (but still non-existing) page the link points to, i.e. you will be offered a form for your new page myarticle.

Write your article inside the form, using the syntax described above, don't forget to add a little Summary message like "Added my first article", have a look at the Preview again, and then save it.

Now your new article should exist in the wiki, and it should be accessible from the Articles & Essays page.

Markup summary

The Wiki Markup has a very simple syntax. It always starts with a single character (that specifies the type of markup) followed by an opening brace, and extends till the matching closing brace.

Currently, the following markup types are supported:

Structural markup

Appearance markup

Special markup

Object floating markup

Hypertext links

Markup description

Structural markup

All the markup described in this section is converted into block HTML elements. A block element is always rendered on its own line and always flushes all the contents that follows it on a separate line.
  • orphan list item
  • Appearance markup

    All the markup described in this section is converted into inline HTML elements. An inline element is always rendered within a given line and never flushes contents that follows it on a separate line.

    Special markup

    Object floating

    Hypertext links

    Picolisp Wiki Mode for Emacs

    In the lib/el/ folder of the PicoLisp distribution, the file picolisp-wiki-mode.el can be found. It is a major mode for GNU Emacs, written in Emacs Lisp, that makes writing and editing articles for the PicoLisp Wiki fast and convenient. All elements of the PicoLisp wiki syntax can be inserted by using easy keybindings. The mode offers fontification and outline-navigation too. To use it, you have to first load the file with M-x load-file and then put the buffer you want to edit in picolisp-wiki-mode with M-x picolisp-wiki-mode.


    Keybindings for inserting are grouped by prefixes based on their function. For example, commands inserting links and lists begin with C-c C-l, those inserting floating content with C-c C-f, all other inserting commands with C-c C-c. The primary commands in each group are described below. You can obtain a list of all keybindings by pressing C-c C-h.
        ;; Element insertion
        "C-c C-l n" Insert Internal Link
        "C-c C-l x" Insert External Link
        "C-c C-l u" Insert Unordered List
        "C-c C-l o" Insert Ordered List
        "C-c C-l i" Insert List Item
        "C-c C-f l" Insert Left-Floating-Content
        "C-c C-f n" Insert Non-Floating Content
        "C-c C-f r" Insert Right-Floating-Content
        "C-c C-c k" Insert Line Breaks
        "C-c C-c 1" Insert Header 1
        "C-c C-c 2" Insert Header 2
        "C-c C-c 3" Insert Header 3
        "C-c C-c 4" Insert Header 4
        "C-c C-c 5" Insert Header 5
        "C-c C-c 6" Insert Header 6
        "C-c C-c b" Insert Bold
        "C-c C-c i" Insert Italic
        "C-c C-c u" Insert Underlined
        "C-c C-c p" Insert Pre Block
        "C-c C-c c" Insert Comment
        "C-c C-c -" Insert Horizontal Rule (hr)
        ;; Visibility cycling
        "<tab>" Picolisp Wiki Cycle
        "<S-iso-lefttab>" Picolisp Wiki Shifttab
        ;; Header navigation
        "C-M-n" Outline Next Visible Heading
        "C-M-p" Outline Previous Visible Heading
        "C-M-f" Outline Forward Same Level
        "C-M-b" Outline Backward Same Level
        "C-M-u" Outline Up Heading
    Many of the commands described above behave differently depending on whether Transient Mark mode is enabled or not. When it makes sense, if Transient Mark mode is on and a region is active, the command applies to the text in the region (e.g., C-c C-c b makes the region bold). For users who prefer to work outside of Transient Mark mode, in Emacs 22 it can be enabled temporarily by pressing C-SPC C-SPC.

    Outline Navigation

    picolisp-wiki-mode supports outline-minor-mode as well as org-mode-style visibility cycling for PicoLisp Wiki style headers.

    Navigation between headings is possible using outline-mode. Use C-M-n and C-M-p to move between the next and previous visible headings. Similarly, C-M-f and C-M-b move to the next and previous visible headings at the same level as the one at the point. Finally, C-M-u will move up to a lower-level (more inclusive) visible heading.

    FIXME: Different header levels are not yet recognized by the outine commands.

    Header visibility cycling

    There are two types of visibility cycling: Pressing S-TAB cycles globally between the table of contents view (headers only), outline view (top-level headers only), and the full document view. Pressing TAB while the point is at a header will cycle through levels of visibility for the subtree: completely folded, visible children, and fully visible.


    picolisp-wiki-mode supports fontification of PicoLisp Wiki syntax and of text marked-up by the Wiki syntax.

    FIXME: Due to the often nested structure of wiki-syntax elements, the regexp used to recognize different elements of a wiki-buffer are quite complicated and do not yet work reliably - thus fontification is still a bit random at the moment.


    06sep21    brandelune